Donna Richmond - Specialised Kinesiologist
Now working from the Hanui Healing building on 138 Rifle range Road.
Welcome to Activated Natural Health in Taupo. As a specialist Kinesiologist, Donna Richmond uses Kinesiology as a diagnostic tool that helps communicate where body imbalances may lay. Using manual muscle testing, we can test for structural imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, toxic overloads and mental or emotional patterns & much more. We can then find a solution that will best address these imbalances within your physical, mental, emotional or electrical body.
Kinesiology is an advanced system of natural healthcare, which combines muscle monitoring with principles from ancient Chinese Medicine to assess specific energy and body functions, applying a range of gentle yet powerful healing techniques to improve health, well being and vitality. Kinesiology bypasses conscious thinking processes to isolate casual factors in the subconscious body. Always the answer is somewhere inside you and Kinesiology can help find the cause instead of just dealing with the symptoms.
Call today on 021 0243 3599 or click here to send an email
More Information
I have a vast understanding of bio medicine having a 20 year background in pharmacy. I have now been working as a specialised Kineiologogist for over 12 years. Early in my Kinesiology career, I learned that we have to be responsible for our own health, we have to make choices and decisions, based on as much information as we can gather. Kinesiology can help us make those choices and decisions. Often people come into my clinic, looking for a 'quick fix', not wanting to change anything in their life style, they just want to be fixed, but from the moment I started working with Kinesiology, I realised that if you do what you have always done, you'll get what you've always got. So I use Kinesiology to help people discover what it is that needs to be done to help alleviate their problem. This may mean various procedures and corrections in clinic as well as lifestyle changes, dietry changes, etc.
I believe our health is in our own hands and we must take ownership of it. When we go to a doctor we have a symptom, the doctor will generally give you a medication to relieve that symptom, and this is sometimes most necessary, they do not, generally, however, address the cause. Through muscle testing, Kinesiology has been able to by-pass the conscious thinking process and get to the cause. When you eliminate the cause, the symptoms disappear. To use the analogy of a car, if you are driving down the road and your oil light comes on, do you cut the wire to the light or do you fill the oil up? Cutting the wire will cause the light to go out, but in a short while you will be in real trouble. The same applies to medication. This does not mean you stop taking your medication, what it means is you find out why you have the problem in the first place. If that problem can be corrected, then the need for the medication may no longer be there.
I find that a person must desire change for change to happen.
What to expect
When you attend the clinic, you will be greeted in a professional manner.
In the clinic room, we will discuss the reason/s you have come to see me. This will include what symptoms, if any, you have and the various methods you have used to help those symptoms. I will then explain in detail, what is involved in the first session, and after the first session I give you time to adjust to your new balance & recommend you return for a further session in a couple of weeks, there i check the changes made & take a deeper look if necessary to correct any further imbalances, test for any support supplements you may need to take, or foods you may need to stop taking. The first session usually takes up to an hour and a half. Some ask how many sessions are needed, which is very hard to answer. Some people need more help than others, some only need 1 or 2, depending on what is happening for you.
Once your immediate situation has been alleviated, I like to use a maintenance program, which usually consists of a check up, every 3 months. a bit like a warrant of fitness.
What we can help
Specialised Kinesiology can help with:
Back Pain
Adrenal problems
Neck pain / stiffness
Accident trauma
Hormone system imbalance
Nervous system disorders & heart palpitations
Blood sugar regulation
Digestive system disturbances
Bowel disorders
Sacrum, lower back pain & sciatica
Food allergies, intolerance's & sensitivities
Bladder problems
Liver, gall bladder, kidney detoxification
Supplement testing