Addiction Resource Centre
Counselling, advice, support and treatment for persons affected by their own or someone elses misuse of drugs and/or alcohol or gambling problem.
67 Paora Hapi Street, PO Box 1129, Taupō 3330
Phone: 07 377 1132
Turangi, 33 Turanga Place, Turangi 3353
Phone: 07 386 6132
Age Concern
Waiora House, Spa Road, Taupō Town Centre, Taupo
Phone: 07 378 9712
Cancer Support Group
REAP rooms, 73 Titiraupenga Street, Taupō.
Phone: Cancer Society Liaison Nurse Leanne Parr on 07 920 4302
Central Plateau REAP (Rural Education Activities Programme)
Central Plateau REAP fills gaps in mainstream education service provision by providing integrated and seamless education initiatives across the Early Childhood, School and Adult Community Education (ACE) sectors.
Phone: 07 378 8109
Citizens Advice Bureau
Citizens Advice Bureau can provide information to assist with almost any issue, and if we can't, we'll find someone who can. No problem is too big or too small.
107 Tamamutu St
Phone: 07 378 4253
Family Start
Family Start is a home-based, child centred, family focused, strength-based, free and confidential service. The focus of Family Start is to assist families in the areas of Health, Education and Welfare. Support is tailored to meet the individual needs of the family. Whanau workers will share their knowledge of parenting, housing, finance, education, health and relationships.
30 HeuHeu St, PO Box 2388, Taupō
Phone: 07 376 5961
Family Works Northern
Family Works Northern is the child and family services division of Presbyterian Support Northern. The core services provided are counselling and social work support, along with various educational and/or therapeutic group programmes.
PO Box 1001, Taupō 3351
Phone: 07 378 6480
Growing through Grief - Seasons
Growing Through Grief provides "Seasons" a programme of peer support groups for children and young people who are experiencing loss and/or grief through the death of a family member or the separation of parents.
St Andrews Anglican Church, PO Box 767, 91 Titraupenga Street, Taupō
Phone: 021 767 548
Heartland Services
Heartland Services is a government funded interagency initiative. Established in 2001, it provides people in provincial and rural New Zealand with access to Government services.
Taupo Community Link
2nd floor, 77 Heu Heu St
Taupō 3330
Phone: 07 906 6024
Rotary Club of Taupō Moana
PO Box 39, Taupo 3330
Salvation Army Taupō
Counselling, furniture and clothing is available from our Taupō office.
Taupo Corps 2 Kiddle Drive, Taupō
Phone: 07 378 4142
Taupō Budget Advisory Service Inc.
We have been servicing the community of Taupō for 20 plus years, helping families deal with budgeting issues. What we do: Draft a Budget, Balance a Budget, Talk to creditors, Refer to organisations that may assist, Monitor Payments, use cash flow tools, Total Money Management, Community Education courses.
69 Paora Hapi Street, PO Box 595, Taupō
Phone: 07 377 1094
Taupō Community Food Bank
Food and advocacy.
126 Spa Rd, Room 10, Waiora House, PO Box 595, Taupō
Phone: 07 377 1507
Taupō Mens Support Group
Support for men.
Waiora House, Spa Road, Taupō
Phone: 07 378 8996
Taupō Therapy Centre Inc
Taupo Therapy Centre is a non profit organisation with charitable status seeking to provide counselling to Children, Youth & Families at an affordable rate. We specialise in the prevention of child abuse and reduction of family violence.
9 Manuka St, RD 2, Taupō
Phone: 07 376 8222
Taupō Women's Refuge
Phone: 07 377 1055 (24 crisis line)
Te Korowai Roopu Tautoko Inc.
Specialising in Whanau Development. Identifying the current and historical issues by establishing a wrap around service that is culturally sensitive in providing positive outcomes for whanau. One on one mentoring to support youth to achieve, whilst still supporting the whanau. Easy access to professional support whilst still providing a co-ordination of support and guidance and working within achieving set goals and objectives.
80 Tuwharetoa Street, Taupō and Taupahi Building, Tūrangi
Phone: 07 378 3335