About Water
"If its about water we can help"
Foreign invasion could be as close as your kitchen.
Water filters effectively remove and protect against chlorine, chemicals, pesticides and insecticides, giardia cysts, cryptosporidium, asbestos fibres, sediment, rust taste and odour.
If you're looking for water filters and coolers in Taupo then call Rob at About Water. Everyone wants refreshing, clean, healthy water. To achieve this we need to remove from our water the added pollutants such as the chlorine, chemicals, toxins, etc, while leaving in the oxygen, nutrients and minerals that our bodies need. Thats exactly what water filters do, whilst remaining incredibly cost effective. We now specialise in cooler hirage and a complete maintenance service. Call About Water today to discuss what options will be best for you and your family.
Call today or click here to email us now
More information
WATER – it’s the one thing our bodies cannot live without. And the one thing that most of us do not drink enough of.
No-one knows this better than Rob Mason from About Water.
Water is his business and in the past seven years he has installed hundreds of water filtration and cooling systems in domestic, commercial and rural premises throughout the Eastern Bay of Plenty, Rotorua and Taupo.
The importance of water cannot be overstated.
Approximately 85 per cent of our body and 80 per cent of our blood is made up of water and every single bodily function depends upon it to perform properly.
Most of us overlook the damage that can be caused by not drinking enough water.
Dehydration is a common cause of fatigue, depression, high blood pressure, migraines, constipation, allergies…and the list goes on.
As our brains constitute predominantly water, our thought processes can also be affected.
Even problem skin and early aging can be linked to a low water intake.
Yet knowing we should drink more doesn’t make it any easier to do so, especially when the water coming out of the tap has an unpleasant taste and odour, and you know it contains all sorts of chemicals that are doing your body more harm than good.
If you want pure water, see About Water.
Within a matter of minutes we can change the quality of your drinking water so you can literally taste the difference.
We sell a wide range of water filters and coolers from mini domestic units that sit on the bench and provide cold water, to big commercial units.
We even have units that supply both hot and cold water, so you can enjoy a glass of chilled water or also make yourself a cup of tea.
In town the big problem is chlorine, which is quite properly used to disinfect the water before it gets to our homes, but should just as properly be removed before drinking.
It’s a bit like buying a loaf of bread in a plastic wrapper. It’s there to protect your bread until you get it home but you don’t eat it.
In the rural area, people face different water problems and filtration may be required to bring the pH levels back to normal.
Rainwater quality in terms of mineral/chemical content is naturally good, but there is room for biological contamination particularly faecal matter from birds or possums.
While bore, stream lake and spring water may taste wonderful it can also contain higher levels of certain minerals than are safe.
Water Testing
Sometimes people complain that the water is turning their bath blue – a sign of water with too high acidity. Or it may be turning the bath brown, a sign of iron deposits.
Before selling you anything, About Water will send a water sample to the laboratory for testing and will get a comprehensive report on the problem.
This means customers are not wasting their money on hit-or-miss cures. A scientific diagnosis is made so the right filtration system can be installed. Specialising in lifestyle blocks for untreated water, iron acidity and coliform.
Rob Mason of About Water is a professional who is dedicated to providing all his customers with the purist water possible.
PPF-10 Fountain
New Zealand Made
Internal Filtration
Vandal Resistant Construction
Sturdy (made from the same material as farm tanks)
Hygienic Design
Easy to clean
No sharp egdes or corners
Wall Mounted
Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems
Greenway Water Technologies’ Ultraviolet (UV) water treatment disinfection systems are Engineered for Health and Designed for Life.
How Does Ultraviolet Disinfection (UV) Work?
UV water disinfection is a natural, environmentally friendly process which does not add any chemicals into your water and does not change the water chemistry. Ultraviolet light energy inactivates harmful microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, effectively preventing them from causing illness. The pathogens are destroyed in the time water passes through the disinfection chamber.
It is necessary for the UV light to have contact with the microorganisms. Water quality will adversely affect the efficacy of any UV disinfection system. Therefore, your source water needs to fall into certain water quality parameters in order for effective UV disinfection to occur.
About Water – the name says it all.