Taupo Kids Community
20 Waikato Street
Taupo Town Centre 3330Open 7.45am to 5.15pm Monday to Friday.
- Quality education and care from birth to 5 years
- All meals provided
- Free 20 hours ECE
- Full & part time care options available
- Community not for profit childcare centre
- School Readiness Programme
Welcome to Taupo Kids Community.
We provide quality education and care for children from birth to 5 years old with an empahsis on Whanau, we are an extension of a child's family. Taupo Kids Community was established in 1987 by the community for the community, we invite you to come and experience Taupo Kids Community!
Our centre is a mixed aged centre, meaning children are not seperated, we also provide nutritious and delicous meals for the children. Full and part time care options are available. 20 hours free ECE is available.
Call us today to discuss your needs or click here to send an email.